Haringey House League - season 2018-19
We are pleased to announce that this season Harinegy Hounds will be running a fully fledged House League. the League will consist of 4...

October 19 - No training
Please note there will be no training on October 19 Due to Alexandra Palace ice rink closure/activity

Pre-season clinics schedule amendment
As previously advertised Haringey Hounds will conduct a series of pre-season open clinics. Any EIHA registered player can participate in...

Haringey Hounds & Goaltending Guru renewal agreed
We are delighted to announce Goaltender Guru will be back working with the goaltenders of the Haringey Hounds JIHC for the 2018/19 hockey...

Pre-season clinics schedule announced
Haringey Hounds will conduct a series of pre-season open clinics Any EIHA registered player can participate the schedule is below: Monday...

Hounds win the JLMC Chairman's Development Award
The Hounds have been awarded the Junior League Management Committee Development Award for the 2017/2018 - in recognition of our hard work...

June 2018 training schedule announced
Starting from May 28 the amended training schedule will take place. NOTE: All players should attend training according to the next season...

Try-outs dates announced
Please note the try-outs are announced to take place on Sunday 20 May (morning and evening), Monday 21 May and Friday 25 May

Training Schedule Update
Due to holidays the training schedule is amended: Friday 30th March Training as usual. Please note that it's the last Friday of the...

House League Update
Please note the following dates are reserved for future House League games: Sun 11 Mar 9:15am-10:15am Sat 31 Mar 5pm-6.30pm Sun 29 Apr...