Haringey Hounds

Home of junior ice hockey in North London
Have a question? Send it via our Contact Form

Haringey Hounds Junior Ice Hockey Club (HHJIHC) runs a Development squad program for young players to learn the basics of sport of ice hockey; with the progression of joining an age appropriate team in our club.
For all the enquiries email
secretary@haringeyhounds.co.uk or use contact form below.
Contact Form
The minimum proficiency in ice skating to join
4-8 year olds: skate forward, backward, stop and turn (comparable to Skate UK Level 4/5).
Age 9 and over: we would expect Skate UK Level 5/6 proficiency, which includes forward and backward skating, hockey stops,turns and basic crossovers.
Optional: Completion of an Alexandra Palace rink LTP program.
Optional: Previous hockey experience
Steps to take:
1. Contact HHJIHC via email or contact form above. State players' full name, Date of birth, Player nationality and place of birth, contact information (phone/email), parent/guardian full name and player skating ability or skating course completed. Do you have your own hockey skates/equipement?
2. The club representative will respond to your email and recommend either:
That you further improve your skating by taking additional skating classes or joining an LTP program.
Come along to one of the sessions and the coach will assess you and advise whether you can join or additional skating lessons are required.
After you finish your ice skating lessons get back in touch to confirm you can start the next LTP set.
Kit: Player should have own hockey skates. The club may initially lend helmet, gloves, shin and elbow pads, neck-guard and hockey jersey. On Sunday, we may require and lend shorts and chest protector. After the first few sessions players expected to get their own equipment as it may not be possible to continue to lend the kit (depends on kit availability).
The club has 2nd hand kit it can sell or we can advise where to look for new gear.
Please label all the equipement with your name and make sure all is in at the end of the session. Player or carer can retrieve the labelled kit bag for the session knowing it will all fit. For your first session a club representative will assist you to get the appropriate kit. Please be patient if we are short-handed and allow yourself some extra time for the first session.
Every Development program participant will be monitored for progress and their skills will be evaluated from time-to-time.
As players achieve certain level of skating and puckhandling, they will be invited by coaches to join team training sessions on a try-out basis – they will be monitored by a relevant coaching stuff and once ready to graduate will be offered a practice time spot in their age-relevant team. Please note there is no game-time guaranteed but may be granted.
In order to be part of the team the player must be registered as a member of the EIHA and pay full club fees.
Strong skating skills are the most important aspect of becoming a good hockey player. Skating to hockey is like running to football. If you can’t be there on time, beat the opponent to the puck, get in position to defend or skate around the opponent with the puck – you can’t play.
During the game you shouldn’t be think about skating, you just do it: sharp turns, changing of directions, backwards skating, transitions, deke around players and goalies. If you don’t have to think about how you skate - you can think about the task at hand and other skills like defending, shooting, puck handling and passing.
At LTP we teach the basic skills a player will need to start to play and learn the sport of ice hockey with emphasis on skating and puck control. HJIHC recommends that all beginners take at least one set (a full half term) of lessons or possibly the crash course during half term holidays, before starting LTP. We recommend continuing with the skating lessons and public skating whilst also doing LTP. The faster you master skating - the faster you will enjoy and improve at LTP. Use your hockey skates for lessons and public skating to optimize learning and reduce adaptation to new equipment. Although the transition from figure/rental skates is not huge, there is a difference, so you might as well start with hockey skates.
Information and Contacts

Training Schedule
17:45 - 18:35
9:15 - 10:15