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Haringey Junior Ice Hockey Club (HJIHC) Why are we introducing "Chalk Talk" to the players during off ice sessions? During our ice hockey practices, we want to take full advantage of our precious time while at the arena. Our only course of action is to implement a new off ice training regime. Simply put, our coaches are far too busy at the moment on the ice with their teams, they plan, organize and execute their training regime on the ice but don't have the extra time needed for off ice training. Off ice training can be executed in two stages: physical fitness and team strategies/tactics. Our club has taken the initiative and are committed to supporting the Chalk Talk program for our young ice hockey club. We strongly feel that this is part of the solution to better improve the individual and team quality that we deliver each week in London.

Our mandate for the Chalk Talk program is to have a Club mentor effectively teach, develop and instill our club philosophy in implementing both team systems and tactics, at the most basic level. We will introduce these new strategies in a progressive manner that we think should be easy enough for each age group to learn and execute. This program is not based off anything that is or has been provided by the EIHA, it is based off of personal experience, various hockey websites utilizing video support and off the shelf reading. The great thing about this program will be the growing library of video's provided to support all the below training.

To effectively implement this program; I have volunteered my time to instill basic core principles for the coaches and players to learn and develop over time. Chalk Talk is a long term program that will be available for the majority of the season to each of the age groups. The players will need to learn, develop and implement these structured principles. Parents are welcome to watch and learn while the training is being conducted. The plan is to implement an off ice program lead by a Club mentor and thus, having our on ice coaches support and instill these basic core principles during the regular season, all under the watchful eyes of our Club Head Coach. We expect to see a vast improvement of individual and team skill at the end of each season.

IMPORTANT: Homework Assignments Each session, we will introduce our theory training but we ask that all parents make available a computer, laptop, and/or iPad for the players to watch each training video provided to them. These video's are no longer than 10 minutes maybe 15 minutes maximum at times. Please take the time and support your child so that they can learn and develop these new core principles. Focus on your position; if you have the time, you can then move on to learn every player's position. It is extremely important to have all the players understand everyone's position. This is a team sport and it is critical to understand each role/responsibility while playing the game.

What are we going to learn and how is it going to be implemented?

The Chalk Talk program will include the following:

A. Defensive Zone (DZ) Coverage;

B. Offensive Zone (OZ) Coverage;

C. Break Out (BO) Coverage;

D. Face Off Coverage;

E. Power Play (PP) Coverage; and

F. Penalty Kill (PK) Coverage.

Each of the above; can be broken down into three phases of training: 1. Phase I - theory training (verbal/visual support);

2. Phase II - practical training (one on one exercise); and

3. Phase III - verbal assessment (quiz the kids on roles/responsibilities and terminology).

Once the players have participated in the three sessions, they will be credited with completing and will receive an official "Certificate of Participation". I have been keeping track of those who are in attendance and will provide the managers with the certificates when we are done with each of the above training sessions.

How can everyone understand this new training? Our goal is to introduce and teach these key terms to both the players and coaches. While on the ice it is extremely important for the coach to direct his/her players while playing without yelling a bunch of meaningless words to the players. Terminology will be standardized to ensure that everyone utilizes the same terminology off ice but more importantly, on the ice. If everyone talks the same language (coaches – players, players – players) it makes it easier for the coaches to direct the players and the players to execute those instructions. I have made cue cards for the players to learn from and I have included each of the key words on the #tags portion for each Blog session. Take the time to learn these terms and test your children on their knowledge and understandings of each. I will be testing the players at every opportunity to ensure that they know and understand each of these key words. Let's have some fun with this!!

I just don't have the time or I missed a training session, what do I do?

If you are not available for training, that is completely understandable. We understand that everyone has other commitments in their lives. If you make contact with me at the rink and/or via email, I can sitdown with your child any other time and walk through the necessary training that you are interested in. I will try to accommodate all the request but only if I am available at the rink.

If you have any questions/concerns please contact the undersigned.

Gilles Fortin

Mobile: +44(0)7534881270 Email:

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