Pre-season clinics schedule amendment

As previously advertised Haringey Hounds will conduct a series of pre-season open clinics. Any EIHA registered player can participate in any of the clinics.
Players MUST have completed the new season 2018/19 EIHA registration in order to participate in the clinics. Unregistered players will not be allowed on the ice.
The amended clinics schedule:
Monday 20.08
5.45-7.45pm – all age groups
Friday 24.08
5.45-7.45pm – all age groups
Sunday 26.08
8.15-10.15am – all age groups
Monday 27.08
5.45-7.45pm – all age groups
Friday 31st
5.45-7pm U9 / U11 / U13
7-8.15pm U15 / U18
Players interested will need to book their attendance on the doodle poll:
£10 per session for Haringey Hounds registered player,
£15 per session for non-Hounds EIHA registered player